Project : The Shard, London

The shape of the Shard has eight inclined surfaces which characterise the envelope, arranged obliquely to the regular shape of site. The glazed facades are perceived like proper blades resting on the tower’s central core.

The Shard’s envelope is a passive double-skin system. Facade is comprised of 11000 units that are about 3.80×1.50 m façade cells, composed by a single glazed outer skin, a ventilated cavity which contains a roller blind and by an internal layer of double glazed units. The unitised panels, which in total will cover an area of more than 56,000 sq metres, are made of a low iron glass with internal blinds.

The glass is manufactured in Germany with the panels assembled in Holland.
Contractor Mace had set a target of putting the glass in place on the skyscraper at a rate of one floor a week.